The Stemley Performance Group

Behavior Assessment Consultant - Unlocking Insights for Successful Interactions

Welcome to Stemley Performance Group, founded in 2016, a leading consultancy specializing in comprehensive behavior assessment services.

 Response to Calls for Service


Police Agency Strategic Plan (Click Here) 

Patrol - Preparing for Duty (Click Here)

Patrol - Call For Services

A-  Domestic Violence (Click Here)

Preliminary Investigation (Responding to Calls for Service) Click Here

Suicidal Man with Knife Call (Click Here)

Suspect on PCP (Click Here)

Suspect Fights Officer in Hotel Lobby (Click Here) 

Police Brawl (Click Here)

Officer Shootout (Click Here)

Crime Scene Processing (Click Here) 

Crime Scene Processing PPT (Click Here)

Crime Scene Processing Packaging (Click Here)

Police Reports (Click Here)

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