The Stemley Performance Group

Behavior Assessment Consultant - Unlocking Insights for Successful Interactions

Welcome to Stemley Performance Group, founded in 2016, a leading consultancy specializing in comprehensive behavior assessment services.

At The Stemley Performance Group, we do important research that shows new and excellent ideas in different areas. Our research is very carefully planned to give useful information, make people think carefully, and make good things happen. Look at our research collection to learn about new progress and findings that affect our world today. View Recent Research at Research Gate (Click Here)



Stemley, C. D. (2018, September 22). Community-Based Strategic planning and Analysis can improve crime management and police legitimacy in communities. Lecture presented at Africa Security Summit in University of Kent, London Law College, Canterbury.

Stemley, C. D. (2017, April 9). Expression of Social Emotions in Stadium Environments: Examining Emotional Contagion and its influence on Public Safety Response. Lecture presented at Pacific Sociological Conference in The Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon .

Stemley, C. D. (2016, April 2). Social Emotions in Crowds as it Correlates to Hotspots within a Stadium Environment. Lecture presented at Pacific Sociology Association Conference in Oakland Marriott Convention Center, Oakland. 

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