The Stemley Performance Group

Behavior Assessment Consultant - Unlocking Insights for Successful Interactions

Welcome to Stemley Performance Group, founded in 2016, a leading consultancy specializing in comprehensive behavior assessment services.


Topic 1: Overview of Assessment and Analysis

Topic 2: Assessment of Assets

Topic 3: Assessment of Threats

Threat Assessment Worksheets (Click Here)

Threat Assessment Undesirable Event and M.O. Worksheet (Click Here)

Intro to Justice Class - Threat Assessment Exercise PPT (Click Here)

Police Function Classes - Threat Assessment Exercise PPT (Click Here)    

Terrorist Profiling Steps:

Terrorist Organization/Individual Modus Operandi Profile Sheet (Click Here)

Step 1 - Identify Terrorist Ideologies (Click Here)   ISIS Ideology  video (Click Here)

Step 2 -Identify Terrorist past attacks  - Global Terrorism Database (Click Here)

Step 3 -Identify Terrorist past target selection -Paris Attacks Timeline (Click Here)

Step 4 - Identify Terrorist Modus Operandi - Example: Modus Operandi of Terrorist (Click Here)

                a. Time of day

                b. Day of week

                c. Approach towards attacks

                d. Weapons used

                e. Time in space

                f. Any variables that can be quantified.

ISIS Documentary  (Click Here)  Origins of ISIS (Click Here)  ISIS Terrorist Interview (Click Here) 

ISIS Background (Click Here)     

Dirty Bomb Movie (Click Here)   

Dirty Bomb Documentary (Click Here)

Risk and Vulnerability Steps

Step 1- Identify assets in your environment (GCU Campus Map) 

Asset Matrix (Click Here)    (Asset Resource)

Note: A site visit will be required to identify assets located within an environment. Including Interviews. Some assets might be classified and not provided. 

Step 2 - Assign value to each asset 

Step 3- Rank your assets based on value. List only your top 5 assets

Step 4- Using only your top 3 assets to do the following:

1.       Identify current protection measures in place for assets

2.       Research past threats to your assets

Step 5 – Research assigned terrorist groups actions

Step 6 - Putting together protection measures against potential threats based on asset value

Note: Here is a link to SME suggested protection measures (Click Here)

Security and Threat Assessment Associations

Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (Click Here)  

ASIS International (Click Here)

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